Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 339)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 339)
and cash tenants and smallholders 1-24 dunums. However, all
social classes had the same statistical mode of 1-4 dunums
and the average production varied from 4.1 - 5.6 dunums.
Table 62: Sumber o+ Dunums of Courgettes ov soraria;: Giass
~ see oe
Dunums Share Farming- Casn Smail- Farmint Tatal
crooner Snecnerd Tenant holder -andlard
i- 4 aw4 a zl Rite) 3 Sil
37 - 9 a? t 7 14 z BS
15 - if ii - = 3 1 17
20 - 24 i - - i - 2
25 - 29 1 ~ 1 i - a
40 - 44 - - 1 - - 1
i 45 - 49 i - - - - 1
‘Not ascert, i i - - - 2
| Col. total 220 7 S32 04 8 421
Courgettes were the third most extensively produced crop in
the region and the data show that 67% of all farmers produced
courgettes. The area of crop production ranged from 1-49
dunums per farm but with farms most commonly producing 1-4
dunums and the average farm producing was 3.9 dunums (see
Table 62). Thus, an equal number of peasant households
produced eggplants and courgettes.
If we look at the class specific pattern of production we
find that 79% of sharecroppers produced courgettes, 73% of
cash tenants, 52% of smallholders, 57% of farming-—landlords
and 12% of farming-shepherds produced courgettes. Once more
we find that sharecroppers and cash tenants were more
specialised in this crop than any other agrarian class
327 vb |
Alex Pollock


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