Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 342)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 342)
landlords produced broad beans. Sharecroppers, farming-
shepherds and farming-landlords most commonly produced 1-4
dunums while cash tenants and smallholders most commonly
produced 5-9 dunums. There was. some variation in the average
size of holding among the agrarian classes, sharecroppers
produced 5.9 dunums on average, shepherds 3.7 dunums, cash
tenants 7 dunums, smallholders 5.1 dunums and farming-
landlords 4 dunums.
Table 64: Numoer of Dunums of Broad beans ty Agrarian Class
Dunums Share- Farmino- Cash Smaii- Farming- Total
cropser Sneonerc Tenant hoider Landlord
i- 4 B4 2 3 iS 4 108
3 - 9 71 i 5 17 - 94
10 - 14 12 - 1 2 1 16
15 - 19 - - 1 - - 1
30 ~ 34 1 - ~ - - 1
Not ascert. 4 - - - - i
Col. totai 169 3 1G a4 a zel
Table 65: Number oft BDunums of Sweet Corn 5yv Agrarian Ciass
Dunums Share- Farming- Casn Smali- Farming- Totai
cropper Snepnerd jenant hoider Landlord
i- 4 2 2 & 9 1 91
3-9 10 2 3 1 i 17
ig - 14 ra - 3 i - 9
iS - 19 3 - - - - =
20 - 24 1 - 1 i - Ks
20 ~- 29 - - 1 - - 1
Not ascert. 1 - 1 1 1 4
Coil. total 92 ba) iS 13 3 28
Alex Pollock


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