Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 343)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 343)
The data on the production of sweet corn (maize) show that
only a fifth of farmers produced sweet corn and those who did
most commonly produced 1-4 dunums, while the average
production was 4.5 adunums (see Table 65). Only 23% of
sharecroppers, 8% of farming-shepherds, 34% of cash tenants,
13% of smallholders and 21% of farming-landlords produced
sweet corn. All producers from the different agrarian classes
most commonly produced 1-4 dunums. There was very little
difference in average production between classes except in
the case of cash tenants who produced on average 7.4 dunums.
All other classes produced between 3.9 - 4.9 dunums on
Table 56: Number of Dunums of Hot Feppers by Agrarian Ciass
Dunums Snare- Farming- Cash Smail- Farming- TOtas
cropper Sneonerad Tenant noiaer Landlord
i - 4 ae a 190 18 2 167
3-9 5 - 4 4 t 14
io - 14 i ~ 1 i - a
Col. total i128 ra 13 ao 3 184
The data on the production of hot peppers show that only 29%
of farmers produced hot peppers (see Table 66). The most
common area of production was 1-4 dunums and the average area
was 3.3 dunums. Only 34% of both sharecroppers and cash
tenants, 8% of farming-shepherds, 22% of smallholders and 21%
of farming-—landlords produced hot peppers. All social classes
most commonly produced 1-4 dunums and the average area of
Alex Pollock


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