Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 348)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 348)
Table 72: Numper of Dunums of Onions ov foracian Class
Dunums Share~ Farmina- Casn omalil- arming Total
cropper pneonergq Tenant holder candlord
1 - 4 = - = 1 -_ bal
a =~ F 1 - - i - 2
Col. total me - 2 z - 7
EE ae ee wee
Table 72: Number of Dunums of Garlic by @orarian Class
Dunums Share- Farming- Cash Smali- Farming Total
cropper Snepherd Tenant heider Landlord
3-9 1 ~ - - - 1
Col. total 1 - - - - 1
Table 74: Number of Dunums of Otner Vegetable Crops by Agrarian Class
Dunums Snare- Farming- Cash omal 1 — Farming- Total
cropper Snepherc Tenant holder Landlord
i-4 9 i 3 7 - 20
3-9 2 - 1 1 - 4
i5 - 19 - - - 1 - 1
Col. total 11 i 4 9 - 2a
To summarize the information on vegetable crop production,
the data show that specialisation has occurred in tomato
eggplant production. Sharecropping households are most highly
336 ae
Alex Pollock


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