Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 350)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 350)
Only 4% of farmers produced citrus fruits (1l1.e. lemons,
oranges, mandarins, grapefruits and clementines) and only one
farmer in the whole of the region produced bananas. The data
also shows the almost total absence of resident farmers
engaged in large scale fruit plantations as the average area
of production was 5.8 dunums of lemons, 9.2 dunums of
oranges, 2.4 dunums of mandarins, 2.8 dunums of clementines
and 2 dunums of grapefruits. These are not very extensive
areas of production.
Although economically relatively unimportant, there were
quite clear class differences in the production of fruit.
Contrary to their general regional predominance,
sharecroppers were not the major producers of fruit. There
was almost a total absence of sharecroppers, cash tenants and
farming—-shepherds from fruit production. Smallholders, who
account for only 17% of all Peasant households, were the
largest fruit producers. They produced 58% of the total area
of citrus fruit. However, only 15% of smallholders were
engaged in fruit production so it is still a small component
of the agrarian economy of smallholding in the region. While
the Jordan Valley is normally seen as a major producer of
citrus fruits and bananas this role is centred in the
southern region of the Valley around Jericho itself and in
the middle Valley sector around al 'Oja. The northern sector
remains a marginal fruit producer.
Alex Pollock


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