Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 352)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 352)
large areas in terms of the average farm Size in the region.
Wheat production certainly covers larger areas than vegetable
This means that the harvesting of these more extensive
fapie 7S: Numoer of Dunums of Corn oy Agrarian Ciass
DuniuMms Share- Farming- Cash Small- Farming Total
cropper Sheonerd vfenant nmoicer Landiara
1- 4 2 - ~ 4
3 - 9 1 - i - S
iS - 19 1 - - - - 1
Not ascert. 1 ~ - - - 1
Col. total va 2 - 2 - 9
areas would generally be mechanised to some degree. However,
the area of wheat farming was generally small rather than
large scale. Wheat farming does not incur the costs of
irrigation and is very suitable for farming lands which do
not have access to, or have limited supplies of, water for
irrigation purposes (this also applies equally to all other
field crops). Wheat is irrigated naturally by rainfall and
the germination and harvest of wheat is largely dependent on
natural processes and not subject to scientific management
techniques in the same way that vegetable crops are.
The majority of peasant farmers (60%) produced less than 20
dunums of wheat and two-fifths produced less than 10 dunums.
Only 10% of farmers produced 50 dunums or more. Farmers with
larger farms used combine harvesters normally rented from
commercial dealers to harvest their crop. While those
Alex Pollock


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