Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 354)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 354)
The data on barley production show that barley is less
important than wheat production with only 5% of farmers
producing barley (see Table 77). Production of barley per
farm ranges from i-89 dunums with the most common area of
production being 1-4 dunums and average production being 23.2
dunums. A few large producers skew the range and the average
size of holding. Most producers were densely packed at the
lower end of the range. As with wheat production barley is
rain-fed and does not require access to irrigation supply.
Sharecroppers are the major producers of barley constituting
68% of all producers, yet only a small minority of
Table 77: Number of Dunums of Barley by Aararian Class
Dunums Share- Farming~ Cash Smali- Farming- Total
cropper Shepherd Tenant holder Landlord
1-4 ms - 1 2 1 7
3-9 = - 1 1 1 a
10 - i4 4 - 1 i - &
2O - 24 1 - ~ ~ _ 1
29 7 29 a _ - 1 - 4
30 - 34 = _ ~ - - 2
4Q -— 44 i ~ - ~ - i
50 - 54 4 1 - - - "
60 - 44 1 - - - - 1
BS - 89 i - - ~ - i
Not ascert. 1 - - - - i
Col. totai 23 1 3 a 2 34
sharecroppers (6%) produced barley. Moreover, only 2% of
farming-shepherds, 7% of cash tenants, 5% of smallholders and
14% of farming-landlords produce barley.
Alex Pollock


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