Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 359)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 359)
crop or more, while only 15% of smallholders, 13% of farming—
landlords and 10% of both farming-shepherds and cash tenants
did likewise. 16% of sharecroppers exported all of their
crop. These figures bring out quite clearly the fact that the
export market was much more important for sharecroppers. The
other agrarian classes, while still heavily dependent on the
export market, produced a larger portion of their tomato
product for the internal market than sharecroppers.
The data on the exportation of eggplants show that of the 430
farmers who produced eggplant more than a third (36%) did not
export any of their produce (see Table 80). However, the
majority did export a portion of their crop. The actual
portion of crop exported ranged from 1 — 100% and the most
common portion exported was 50 - 54%. The average portion
exported was 25%. Only a fifth of the total farming
Population exported 75% or more of their crop. Although not
playing such a major role as tomato exports, eggplant exports
Played an influential part in the regional agrarian economy.
If we consider the agrarian class dimension of exportation we
find that of the 331 sharecroppers who produced eggplants the
majority (54%) exported some portion of their crop, while 75%
of farming-shepherd producers, 53% of cash tenant producers,
40% of smallholding producers and 70% of farming-landlord
producers also exported a portion of their crop. Although
eggplant production played a relatively important role in the
economy of farming-shepherds and farming-landlords this did
not contribute a great deal to the larger economy because the
Alex Pollock


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