Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 361)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 361)
be mentioned. 15% of melon producers did export some portion
of their crop and the export of melons has become much more
important since 1983 and more and more farmers are now
producing melons, although so far we do not have access to
figures to substantiate the increased area produced and the
proportion of this area exported. Second, almost a third
(30%) of the producers of sweet corn export some portion of
their crop although the actual number of producers is small
and they do not contribute significantly to the volume of
export trade. Moreover, no producers of Jew's mallow,
potatoes, onions, garlic and “other vegetables" exported any
of their crop (see Tables 14 and 16-19 in Appendix 3). But
even in terms of the internal market these items are of
negligible importance.
The data in this section show that the export economy is
dominated by only two crops: tomatoes and ‘eggplant. Tomatoes
are by far the most significant items in the regional export
trade. The whole regional economy is dominated by these crops
which together account for 55% of the total area of vegetable
production. Moreover, these items are produced mostly by
sharecroppers, in both relative and absolute terms.
Since fruit is not an important item of production in the
regional economy it follows that the export income deriving
from fruit production in the region is also insignificant.
Nevertheless, the data show that on average 39% of lemons
were exported, 50% of oranges, 42% of mandarins, 39% of
clementines and all the bananas produced by the region's one
veh, 349
Alex Pollock


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