Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 362)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 362)
producer (see Tables 20-25 in Appendix 3). However, these do
not contribute greatly to the region's export trade.
Field crop production was bounded by the internal market and
the export of field crops was minimal. The data show that no
corn or "other" field crops were exported (see Tables 26 and
29 in Appendix 3). Only one farmer exported barley (under 10%
of his product) and 4 farmers (2% of the population) exported
some wheat (see Tables 28 and 27 in Appendix 3). Thus, quite
clearly these field crops did not significantly contribute to
the “foreign earnings" of the region and the export market
for field crops is virtually non-existent.
If we look at the irrigation systems of those crops which
exceed an aggregate production of 1000 dunums, i.e. tomatoes,
eggplants, courgettes, cucumbers and broad beans, we find
(see Tables 30-34 in Appendix 3) that the changeover from
furrow irrigation to the drip irrigation system is now almost
totally complete in four out of five of these key regional
crops. Thus, 95% of tomato farmers produce their crops under
the drip irrigation system, 96% of eggplant producers, 95% of
courgette producers and 98% of cucumber producers. The furrow
irrigation system has almost wholly disappeared from the
production of these crops. However, the furrow irrigation
system is still widely used in the production of broad beans,
where an almost equal number of peasant households used each
System, with 49% using the furrow irrigation system and 48%
vf, 30
Alex Pollock


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