Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 363)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 363)
using the drip irrigation system.
There is very little difference between the different
agrarian classes in terms of the introduction of the more
modern and advanced scientific irrigation systems, e.g.
between 92-100% of the five class categories used drip
irrigation in the production of tomatoes and eggplants,
between 86-100% used drip irrigation in the production of
courgettes and between 97-100% used drip irrigation in the
production of cucumbers. However, farming-landlords were the
most advanced in the use of scientific irrigation techniques
with. all farming-landlords utilising drip irrigation for all
five crops, although we should bear in mind that the actual
numbers entailed are not large as the farming-landlord
population constitutes only 2% of the farming population.
Thus, in the four major crops we find almost universal use of
modern scientific irrigation systems with its associated
dependence on inorganic chemical fertilizers and pesticides
and HYV's among all class grouping in the region. Only in the
production of broad beans is there still major recourse to
the furrow system. No farming-landlords used this system, a
third of farming-shepherd producers utilised it, 47% of
smallholder producers, 50% of sharecropper producers and 70%
of cash tenant producers.
The data in this chapter bring out the general quantitative
aspects of the impact of the introduction of the "Green
Alex Pollock


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