Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 364)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 364)
Revolution" technology and HYV's on the regional economy. The
two major vegetable crops produced are now being produced
almost exclusively under "Green Revolution" technology. The
result of this has been an exceptionally high degree of
regional specialisation of tomato and eggplant production.
While the region is not engaged in monoculture,
specialisation 1S very significant since over half of the
area of vegetable production is under tomato and eggplant
cultivation. Moreover, these two crops account for two-fifths
of the total area under cultivation in the region, i.e.
including fruit, vegetables and field crops. A final aspect
of the impact of the "Green Revolution” technology has. been
the incorporation of the region into the international export
market through the sale of the regions most significant
vegetable crops.
While this chapter has been largely empirical it is important
to bear in mind that it is this data which allows me _ to
sustain my theoretical account of the impact of the Green
Revolution technology on social relations which I have
brought out in the previous chapters of this thesis.
Alex Pollock


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