Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 367)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 367)
context of escalating land and housing prices, urban
squatters are forced by economic necessity to construct
illegal rude shelters on the fringe of the urban town or
city, normally building on land over which they have no legal
possession. This situation of illegality makes their habitat
precarious and subject to eviction and demolition by
municipal and state agencies.
In the north Jordan Valley we also find relatively insecure
conditions of habitat associated with squatting. There are a
number of squatter housing settlements in the _ region,
particularly in the village of Jiftlik. We also find a
smaller number of squatter households dispersed around the
margins of the peasant farm-holding in some of the other
Villages. However, only in Jiftlik do we find squatters
constituting a visible form of human settlement pattern. Here
there is a distinct squatting community in the most south-
eastern sector of the village in the region known as Abu al
The form squatting takes in this agrarian sector 1s
restricted to the construction of illegal shelters and does
not entail illegal land seizure for the purpose of farming.
Squatters are most common ly peasants engaged in
sharecropping, although we find a small number of shepherds
and smallholders are also squatters. These squatters have not
established permanent incipient squatter settlements. Rather,
they normally transmigrate on an annual basis between other
regions of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley where they are
Alex Pollock


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