Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 368)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 368)
engaged in peasant agriculture and where they have
established their squatter households. They will often
reconstruct their shelters on @ yearly basis at the beginning
of the agricultural season when they return to their farms.
In the seven villages surveyed, slightly less than half the
households lived in their villages permanently (see Table
81). Only in the villages of Marj Najeh, Zbeidat and “Ain
Shibli did the majority of village households remain in their
farm villages throughout the year. These three villages are
the smallest villages in the survey. They are also the
Villages whose population consists mainly of refugees from
1948 and who have established legal residential status in the
region and therefore have no need to squat.
In the other four villages the level of permanent village
residence ranged from just over a third to less than half the
village population living in the village throughout the year.
These villages are dominated by seasonal residentiality and
it is among this population that we find the large majority
of the regional squatter population. The closest we have to a
seasonal residential and squatting village is Jiftlik where
50% of the population live in the village from six to nine
months of the year - corresponding to the agricultural
season. We have similar phenomena, if slightly less
Pronounced, in Bardala, ~Ain al Beda and Frush Bet Dajan.
Alex Pollock


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