Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 370)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 370)
A small number of households (2%) reside in the region for
the harvest season only, staying from between one to four
months of the year and commuting to their fields during the
day. They normally return to their permanent homes in the
evening during the remainder of the agricultural season when
the argricultural workload is not as demanding. These are not
squatting households and it is often only the husband or son
who commutes to the farm on a daily basis or stays on the
farm for a few days before returning home.
There are two secondary factors which contribute to seasonal
residence and make permanent squatting settlement unappealing
are: first, poor housing quality and the low level of
amenities make residence in the region unappealing,
particularly if the householders have access to better
quality housing in other regions; and second, families with
children of secondary school age have problems with their
children's schooling as there are no_ secondary school
facilities for boys or girls and no preparatory. school
facilities for girls inthe region. Both these factors
inhibit incipient and permanent squatment in the region.
The main places of alternative residence are Tubas and Tamun,
where three-fifths of the squatters and seasonal residents
have their alternative residences (see Table 82). Moreover,
there appears, in most cases, to be a distinct empirical
relation between village of alternative residence and village
of farm location. The squatters and seasonal residents of
Bardala and ~Ain al Beda reside mainly in Tubas, while a
third of Jiftlik's squatters and seasonal residents also
Alex Pollock


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