Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 371)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 371)
reside there. However, Tamun is the more important location
of alternative residence for the squatter and seasonal
population of Jiftlik. It is also important for Frush Bet
Dajan, although the majority of squatters and seasonal
residents in Frush Bet Dajan normally reside in Bet Dajan.
This possibly implies that Hamula and family networks are
important in the land tenure contexts of these villages.
Squatting is directly linked to two determinants. First, the
geographic mobility of the peasant population in the Jordan
Valley is formally circumscribed by Military Order 297 which
requires the population of the West Bank to obtain identity
cards and to be registered as residing in a particular
regional centre, municipality or village. (6) While urban
residents of the West Bank have also to comply with this
order, their geographic mobility is much less circumscribed
and they can relatively freely move their urban residence to
their area of employment. Thus, for example, urban residents
registered in Bethlehem can reside and work in Ramallah and
they will most probably never experience the order being
applied in such a manner that they are forced to return to
the region where they are registered as residing. The order
does not operate so informally on those peasant farmers in
the Jordan Valley who are not officially registered as
residents in one or other of the regional villages. The lack
of formal registration as a village resident can be used as a
pretext for forcibly evicting farmers from the region. The
main reason for this is that the region is one which the
Alex Pollock


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