Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 374)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 374)
clients of the military. In all the seven villages studied,
only the village of Zbeidat had been given permission -
during 1982-83 - as a whole village to build new houses. In
‘Ain al Beda only the village Mukhtar (Abu Azzam) and members
of his family had been given permission to construct new
housing. In neither of these cases was permission granted to
squatters to build permanent shelters or to improve their
Moreover, the military are not slow to take action against
those whom they consider to have infringed the military
orders. During March 1984 the military authorities destroyed
seven squatter shacks belonging to sharecroppers and the
house of Tawfiq Daraghmeh in the village of ‘Ain al Beda.
Again, in November 1984 they destroyed the squatter dwellings
of 73 sharecropping families in the Jiftlik region. (8) In
other words, they destroyed over a fifth of the village
shelter stock in Jiftlik. In both cases the authorities
claimed that the dwellings were illegal and had been
constructed without the appropriate license being obtained.
The demolition of these houses has to be addressed as an
infringement of human rights and basic human needs.
The actual nature of squatting tenure is variable. Some
squatters own their own houses without having legal
possession of the land upon which the house is constructed -
although we cannot detect legal ownership with possession and
legal ownership without possession from the data we have
avaliable. Even with possession the standards of dwellings
Alex Pollock


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