Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 375)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 375)
vary, but they are most commonly constructed from mud—-brick
adobe and were constructed before the pre-1967 period. Other
squatter homes are no more than rude shelters constructed
from basic materials such as plastic sheeting, scrap wood,
rusty tin and sack cloth. while others are normally one room
shacks about four metres by four metres often provided and
owned by landlords. It is difficult to evaluate the actual
cost of these constructions since there is no real estate
market in housing. However, the actual materials involved in
the construction of most squatting households would be
considerably less than a hundred Jordanian dinars, probably
ranging from 5 to 50 dinars (approximately US$ 15-300), since
the materials themselves are primitive and produced locally.
In other countries of the Third World incipient illegal
squatments are allowed to persist and are often unofficially
sanctioned as they provide very tangible economic benefits to
industry and employers without generating pressure on
government budgets to provide cheap infrastructural
provision, welfare and social security services. Thus, for
example, in Mexico City in 1977, over 45% of the population
of one of the world's largest cities lived in self—-
constructed accommodation, a substantial proportion of which
was illegal squatter settlement. (9) The situation of
squatter settlement in the Jordan Valley is quite clearly
different. Squatment is not semi-officially condoned since it
is an anathema to the principles of both the Allon Plan and
the overall aim of Zionist settler colonialism. Squatment, if
it were allowed to develop an incipient hold in the region,
would constitute an unarticulated strategy of counter-—
Alex Pollock


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