Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 376)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 376)
colonisation by the indigenous Palestinian population. The
Israeli authorities have allowed it to persist because it is
not incipient in nature. However, if the ratio of squatters
to the local registered population | were to rise
significantly, then we would expect the authorities to pursue
a vigorous policy of demolition of squatter settlement and
the eviction of the squatter population from the _ region.
Until this time the authorities have been content to limit
the numbers of squatters through creating an environment of
insecurity and instability, where illegal squatting
households are demolished from time to time and the owners
threatened with eviction from the area without the actual
eviction of the squatting population per se. Destruction
rather than eviction has been the major strategy of
In this section I will consider housing tenancy status,
household density, housing construction and the level of
household amenities available.
Housing Tenancy Status
Private ownership of housing is the most common type of
housing tenancy status, with 48% of all households owning
their own house (see Table 83). However, private ownership
even with legal possession does not automatically confer the
normal tenancy status, right to sell and dispose of the house
ef, 365
Alex Pollock


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