Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 377)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 377)
as seen fit, since sale must be limited to someone registered
as a local village resident. The aggregate picture is subject
to variation on a village level. The majority of households
in Bardala, Marj Najeh, “Ain Shibli, Zbeidat and “Ain al
Beda, where the squatting community is most marginal, live in
privately owned houses. Also, while not predominant, private
ownership was the most common form of housing tenancy status
in Frush Bet Dajan. Only in Jiftlik was private house
ownership relatively uncommon with less than a third of
accommodations being privately owned.
Landlord-provided shelters were the main form of housing
tenancy in Jiftlik where more than half of all accommodation
was provided by landlords to their tenants. This is closely
related to the predominance of sharecropping and squatting in
the village. If we include landlord-provided accommodation,
shacks and tents, two-thirds of the housing tenure is in a
squatting form. Landlord-provided housing constitutes a minor
part of the housing stock of the other villages, with the
exception of Frush Bet Dajan. In these villages it
constitutes significantly less than a tenth of housing stock,
while in Frush Bet Dajan it constitutes only 15% of housing
The distribution of squatter type shelters is under 10% in
all villages except Jiftlik and Frush Bet Dajan where it
constitutes just less than two thirds and a fifth of the
village housing stock respectively. Housing rental is quite a
common phenomenon in most villages. A third of houses in ‘Ain
ve, 366
Alex Pollock


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