Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 381)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 381)
which are 2 persons per room.
Table 85 shows quite clearly that there is. an empirical
correlation between the housing tenancy status and the number
of rooms per house. Those living in privately owned
accommodation are more likely to have access to more
extensive household living space than those living either in
shacks (58% of which consist of only one room), in
accommodation provided by their landlords (75% of which have
only one room) or in tents. While it is most common for those
living in rented accommodation to have only one room (48%),
the majority of households do have access to two or more
roooms (52%). It is more common for those living in private
accommodation to have two rooms (40%). [t is interesting to
note that those living in shelters provided by their
landiords have to tolerate greater levels of overcrowding and
are more spatially deprived than those with other forms of
housing tenancy status.
Household Construction
Slightly more than half of all households live in traditional
mud-brick constructions (see Table 86). These houses have
usually been built by the households themselves from mud and
straw and normally consist of a ceiling made from bamboo
covered with mud. The houses have fairly adequate ventilation
qualities and are sufficiently cool in the summer when the
normal day time temperature reaches 39 degrees centigrade.
However, they are very damp and cold in the winter and are
A f ',
| 370
Alex Pollock


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