Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 383)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 383)
neither water-proof nor do they have good insulation
qualities against the cold and rain.
Probably the most appropriate type of housing is stone
constructed housing which has good insulation qualities
against the extremes of temperature in both the summer and
winter. However, only slightly more than a tenth of
households were constructed from stone. The newer houses in
the region are being constructed using concrete frames,
floors and ceilings, with the main walls constructed from
breeze-blocks, often manufactured from primitive dyes in the
village itself. These newer constructions account for more
than a tenth of the regional housing stock but they are most
common in ‘Ain Shibli, Zbeidat and Marj Najeh. The
disadvantage with these newer types of construction is that
breeze block has very poor insulation qualities because it is
highly porous. Thus, these houses remain damp in winter and
are overheated during the summer. Another tenth of
accommodations in the region consist of makeshift shacks and
a further 7% of families live in beduin-style tents,
traditionally made from goat hair, but now often manufactured
from sack cloth.
The aggregate regional housing picture shows some variation
when it is broken down on avillage level. Aithough the
traditional mud-brick house is ubiquitous in all villages, it
is the predominant housing form in “Ain al Beda and Jiftlik
where it accounts for three-quarters and lightly more than a
half of the housing stock in these villages respectively. It
is also the most common form of housing in Bardala (45%),
372 ae. % '
Alex Pollock


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