Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 388)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 388)
Gifferent. Most families prefer to cook the coarser and
heavier bread prepared in the taboon.
This aggregate picture varies when broken down ona village
level. Zbeidat has the highest incidence of kitchen
facilities inside the house with the majority (52%) of
Zbeidati households having inside kitchen facilities. This
incidence is much higher than other villages where the
incidence of kitchen facilities inside the house ranges from
10-20% of households. It is generally more common for
households to have kitchen facilities outside the home,
indicative of the use of a taboon. Thus, four-fifths of
houses in Marj Najeh, over half in Bardala, two-fifths in
Jiftilik, a third in ~Ain al Beda, three-tenths in “Ain Shibli
and afifth in both Zbeidat and Frush Bet Dajan have their
kitchen facility outside the family home. The majority of
households in Frush Bet Dajan (59%) and “Ain Shibli (57%)
have no kitchen facilities whatsoever, apart from very
primitive stoves.
This picture of deprivation is reinforced when we consider
the type of kitchen by housing tenancy status (see Table 88).
Here we find that. the majority ef those with kitchen
facilities are private house owners. Those living in squatter
type acommodation —- shacks, tents and houses provided by
their landlords - are the most deprived household group in
this respect. More than four-fifths of those living in
shacks, nine-tenths of those living in tents and three-fifths
of those living in landlord-provided shelter do not have
Alex Pollock


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