Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 389)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 389)
access to any kitchen facilities while three-quarters of
those living in privately owned shelters and three-fifths of
those living in rented accommodation have some form of
Kitchen facility, either inside or outside the home.
If the situation of kitchen facilities is bad, then the
Situation of access to latrine facilities is even worse. Two-
thirds of households have no latrine facilities and household
members have to defecate in the area surrounding the village
(see Table 89). Studies in other regions of the West Bank,
conducted by the Birzeit University Community Health Unit,
have shown this to be a serious health hazard and a rampant
source of intestinal parasitosis. (13)
A comparison of these regional figures with the West Bank
rural household population shows that the peasants in the
Jordan Valley face higher levels of material deprivation
than the rural population as a whole. In 1981, only 22% of
the West Bank village population (and 12% of the urban
population) had no latrine facilities, while three times this
number (67%) of Jordan Valley households had no access to
latrine facilities. (14) What latrine facilities were
available were not connected to proper sewage systems and
often septic pits were a source of drinking water pollution.
Moreover, more sophisticated toilet facilities such as
bathrooms, showers, baths and heated water are almost wholly
absent from the region; you will spend all day searching for
the normally ubiquitous solar heater in this region.
The village level breakdown is fairly constant since the
majority of households, with the exception of Zbeidat, have
Alex Pollock


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