Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 390)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 390)
no latrine facilities; ranging between 50-78% of households
(see Table 89). Only in Zbeidat and ~Ain Shibli is it common
to find a toilet inside the house with 29% of households in
“Ain Shibli and 20% in Zbeidat having inside toilets.
We see, once again, that the form of tenancy is associated
with the level of amenity deprivation (see Table 90). Private
house owners are less deprived than non-owners as three-
quarters of those with inside toilets are private owners) and
two-thirds of those with latrine facilities outside the home
also own their own home. We should not over-emphasise this
point, however, since over half of home owners have no
latrine facilities. Again, those residing in squatter type
shelter - shacks, tents and shelters provided by their
landlords - are the most deprived in terms of access to
latrine facilities, with nine-tenths of shack dwellers, four-
fifths of tlandlord-provided sheiters and almost all tent
dwellers hnaving no latrine facilities.
If we consider the household water supply we find that only
5% of all households in the Valley have water piped into the
household (see Table 98). This compares once more very
unfavourably with the official Israeli statistics for rural-
based households, where in 1981 29% of West Bank village
households had their water source piped into the house. (15)
It is an interesting fact that almost a third of all
households had a source of piped water supply. However, this
was still less than the aggregate figure for the village
household population of the West Bank, half of which had a
Alex Pollock


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