Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 394)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 394)
study by the Birzeit Community Health Unit found unacceptably
high levels of fecal coliforms in the domestic water supplies
of Jiftlik, Zbeidat and Marj Najeh. The study also reported
that the water supply of Bardala and “Ain al Beda was clean.
Four-fifths of the households in the region have no access to
electricity (see Table 92). This compares very unfavourably
with the rest of the West Bank rural community where almost
half have electricity supplied for some period during the
day, and where more than a quarter have electricity supplied
all around the clock. (18) Only in Marj Najeh (51% of
households), Zbeidat (52%) and “Ain Shibli (62%) is there a
significant incidence of access to electricity supplies. Most
villagers get their lighting source from car batteries,
kerosene lamps and tallow candles. Electricity is never used
as a heating source. It is used only for lighting, television
and radio. A small number of households use it for
refrigeration but this use is inefficient and also a health
hazard since none of the villages have an around-the-clock
supply of electricity.
This section shows quite clearly that there is a high
incidence of relative deprivation of amenities among the
peasantry of the Jordan Valley region in comparison to the
West Bank as awhole. It also shows that the village of
Zbeidat is relatively better off in terms of housing
conditions and amenities in comparison to the other villages
Alex Pollock


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