Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 396)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 396)
in the region. The reasons for this is related to the history
of the village which was established in 1954 by UNRWA. The
result of this has been that the Zbeidati's residential and
land tenure status has been much more strongly established
than in other villages in the region. Zbeidat has been less
subject to the depredation of Israeli colonial policy than
the other villages. The village Mukhtar has moreover
established stronger links with the Israeli authorities than
the Mukhtars in most of the other villages in the region.
This has benefitted the villagers of Zbeidat inasmuch as they
have been subjects of limited Israeli military patronage and
A useful empirical index of levels of poverty and deprivation
is the extended possession of consumer durables in the
household. This is useful in considering personal wealth and
income where we do not have detailed accounts of individual
income and wealth. The use of personal ownership of consumer
durables is more useful in gauging personal wealth and income
than the possession of household amenities and house
ownership, since access to amenities cannot be used in this
way. Access to household amenities is largely constrained by
Israeli colonial policy. Thus, access to and possession of
housing, housing amenities (kitchens and latrines), water and
electricity supply is inhibited due to Israeli control over
these items. This control is a secondary aspect of Israeli
control mechanisms associated with land expropriation and
appropriation. Thus, it is often not absolute poverty per se
Alex Pollock


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