Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 397)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 397)
which prevents the peasant population having access’ to
household amenities and being able to improve their housing
Situation. It is rather the whole Israeli colonial project
with its emphasis on preventing Palestinian human settlement
which seeks to keep Palestinians from the land and makes the
lives of those who remain on the land as unbearable as
possible, in order that it will indirectly act as a push
factor driving people from the land, i.e. other than through
land expropriation and appropriation. Access to consumer
durables, on the other hand, 1s amuch more useful, if not
completely theoretically precise, index of personal wealth
and income. Ownership of consumer durables is not impinged on
by colonial policy and is thus a more adequate reflection of
disposable household income and relative deprivation.
If we draw general comparisons between the Jordan Valley and
the West Bank as a whole (see Table 100), we find that 10% of
the Jordan Valley population had private cars or pick-up
trucks while the figures for the West Bank rural population
as a whole in 1983 was only 6%, although it reached as high
as 22% for the West Bank urban household population. (19) The
incidence of car ownership in the Jordan Valley is quite low
but slightly higher than that of the rural population of the
West Bank. However, the incidence of car ownership is less
than half that of the urban population. (20)
The level of television ownership at 45% of households was
lower than the level for the rest of the rural population
aan 386
Alex Pollock


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