Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 399)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 399)
which was 63%. (21) The level of radio ownership at 69% was
also lower than the rest of the West Bank village population,
which was 79%. (22) While not directly comparable with the
official statistics, because these figures refer to
electrical refrigerators, the level of refrigerator ownership
in the north Jordan Valley was only 17%, while the aggregate
level of village ownership in 1983 was 46% (92% in urban
households). (23) Again, while the official figures are not
directly comparable because they include gas and electrical
stoves, we find that 54% of the households in the region in
our study own a gas cooker, while 80% of the West Bank
Village population own either gas or electrical cooking
ranges. (24)
These figures, if we take them as an index of relative
deprivation, show that the villages in the northern Jordan
Valley have ae lower level of ownership of. basic consumer
durables (except in the case of private cars and pick-up
trucks) than the West Bank rural population as a whole. The
main conclusions to be drawn from this is that the village
population in the Valley is generally poorer and living under
conditions of greater poverty and deprivation than the
aggregate rural and urban populations of the West Bank.
The housing conditions and access to social amenities and
public utilities for the 740 households in the north Jordan
Valley villages are more spartan and in scarcer supply than
most other regions of the West Bank. Indeed, the general
Alex Pollock


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