Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 400)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 400)
housing conditions and access to facilities bear comparison
with the slum dwelling conditions of the Third World's most
poverty-stricken areas. In many respects it is mistaken to
refer to the living accommodation for significant numbers of
the Valley's residents, particularly sharecropping
households, as houses, since many of them are nothing more
than dilapidated and makeshift squatter shelters which have
very few household amenities and services. Indeed, many of
the households contain a minimum of basic household
furniture. This is particularly true of those families living
in high density one room accommodation. In these shelters you
will find nothing more than inexpensive beduin style farshat
(mattresses) which serve both the sleeping and lounging needs
of the family. When not in use these items are normally
stacked against a wall of the house. Most houses do not
contain the basic items of furniture which you will find in
urban households, such as tables, chairs, carpets, etc. Food
is normally consumed in a collective manner from a plastic
table cloth placed upon the floor.
Given existent Israeli policies it would be very difficult to
implement practical housing development policies in the
region. Any attempt to construct adequate shelter for the
peasant communities in the north Jordan Valley will be met
with Israeli opposition. However, this is not to say that
there is no need to focus on the forms of adequate shelter
which could be provided for these communities. There is still
a very real need for research to be undertaken into the
Provision of low cost housing with appropriate standards of
389 ae
Alex Pollock


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