Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 401)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 401)
amenities. Thus, there is a need to make basic
recommendations for the design and construction materials
Suitable for low cost peasant housing under the prevailing
economic and climatic conditions of the Jordan valley. In
view of the fact that much civil engineering and construction
in the West Bank is dominated by high cost and high
technological input it might be preferable if designers, in
this region at least, look to appropriate alternative
construction techniques and materials. It might be possible
to assess the application of low cost rural housing projects
which have been established in Egypt and other regions of the
Third World. However, it might well be that such alternatives
may not be attractive to villagers whose values and
preferences may have been established by comparison with the
wealthier urban community. However, given existing extremely
poor housing conditions it is unlikely that such an approach
would not be attractive to most villagers, particularly if
costs were kept down. Any examination of the potential
alternatives should attempt to incorporate as much _ local
involvement as possible. Such a project could be possible on
the basis of self~—help construction projects which attempt to
use traditional local construction materials (e.g. mud-brick
adobe) and attempt to keep expensive construction techniques
to aminimum. If such a self-help programme was’ eventually
undertaken it would potentially be possible to recruit
volunteers through the voluntary committees and community
activists to assist in the construction of such projects.
However, given the existing prohibition on construction in
the region, such a study would be likely to remain at’ the
390 _
Alex Pollock


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