Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 402)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 402)
level of a policy potentiality rather than an actuality. in
order to challenge existing Israeli attitudes, a minimum of
two forms of political intervention are necessary. First, the
whole issue of peasant poverty and underdevelopment has to be
addressed from within a wider framework of human rights. One
of the more acceptable frameworks now underpinning much
development thinking in the UN agencies and the World Bank is
the call for development policies and interventions to meet
Basic Human Needs (BHN) or Basic Needs (BN). (25) Such
policies and development strategies are concerned with the
impact of economic development and accumulation (i.e.
economic growth) in such a way that they can quickly reduce
absolute deprivation and reduce large scale inequalities of
income between different sections of the community. While
there is a great deal of controversy over the purposes of
these policies, they could provide a very useful bench-mark
for assessing Israeli obstacles and policy towards socio-
economic development in the Occupied Territories. (26) If we
adopt the BHN indices on development provision as outlined in
some of the recent UN resolutions and articles, we should he
able to show the shortcomings in achieving BHN which are
imposed by Israeli colonial policy. Such an approach will
probably require the submission of reports and other
documents at international forums concerned with target
setting, establishing and implementing a BHN agenda. The
international agencies working on this agenda at the moment
are the ILO, IBRD and UNEP. Other organisations adopting
similar but more radical models at the present time are the
Dag Hammarskjold Foundation in Sweden, the Foundation
Alex Pollock


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