Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 404)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 404)
is a need to create a development movement with clear goals
and aims rooted in local communities and which is aware of
existing political realities and alternatives. (27) From the
experience of a number of developmentalists in the region,
the only organisations which are capable and willing to move
in this direction, and which at the same time have the
potential for forming the leadership cadre for such a
movement, are the radical non-Jordanian grass roots
To summarise, I have attempted to highlight the conditions of
poverty and relative deprivation among the peasant population
of the north Jordan Valley by focusing on squatting and the
housing question. I showed that squatting is non-incipient
and related to illegal house/shelter construction rather than
to land seizure. Squatting has proven to be a necessary means
of action for peasants to farm in the Jordan Valley under an
Israeli colonial policy which restricts Palestinian social
movement and settlement in the region. I showed that living
conditions for the majority of the peasant population are
inadequate and that they are generally living in very
overcrowded and inappropriately constructed shelters. They
have no proper water, electricity, kitchen or latrine
facilities. I also showed that the ownership of consumer
durables is significantly less than the West Bank rural
Population as a whole and that this is a useful empirical
index of their poverty and relative deprivation. Finally, I
looked at how development strategies associated with BHN and
BN might attempt to address the issue of poverty in housing.
Alex Pollock


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