Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 406)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 406)
1. See, inter alia, Ibrahim Abu Lughod and Baha Abu Laban,
Eds., settler Regimes in Africa and the Arab _ World,
(Wilmette, 1974), Maxime Rodinson, Israel: A Colonial—Settler
State?, (New York, 1973).
2. Charles Abrams, "Squatting and Squatters, in Janet Abu
Lughod and Richard Hay Jnr., Eds., Third World Urbanization,
(New York, 1979), p.293.
3. See, ibid p.294.
4. See, Joy Bonds et al.. Our Roots Are Still Alive, (New
York, 1977), pp.67-84. Also, Rosemary Sayigh, Palestinians:
From Peasants to Revolutionaries, (London, 1979), pp. 98-136.
5. See, Anthony Leeds, "Housing-Settlement Types,
Arrangements for Living, Proletarianization, and the Social
Structure of the City", in Janet Abu Lughod and Richard Hay
Jnr., Eds.. op cit, pp. 330-337.
6. For a brief outline of this order see, Jonathan Kuttab
and Raja Shehadeh, Civilian Administration in the Occupied
West Bank, (Ramallah, 1982).
7. See, William Harris, Taking Root: Israeli Settlement in
the West Bank, the Golan and Gaza-Sinai, 1967-1980,
(Chichester, 1980).
8. See, Al Fajr Palestinian Weekly, November 9 and 16,
9. See, P. M. Ward, "The Impact of Local Leadership Upon
Squatter Settlements in Mexico City", in Development Research
Digest, No. 1 Spring 1978, pp. 34-35.
10. See, Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract
of Israel 1985, (Jerusalem, 1985), p.716, Table XXVII/14.
Alex Pollock


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