Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 412)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 412)
The educational section of the Israeli census collects data
on "educational levels" for both Israel and for the West Bank
and Gaza Strip. These data are produced from stage B of the
Census of Population and Housing. (5) In this section of the
interview schedule a question is asked on the “numbers of
years [of] schooling" of the respondent. While this in itself
is not a question on literacy, it is the best alternative
measure we have in the official statistics from which to
attempt to reconstruct and assess literacy levels. Used
cautiously this can provide us with an approximate aggregate
picture of the illiteracy rates in the West Bank.
How can these data be utilised and reconstructed? The number
of years schooling of the inhabitants of both regions of the
Occupied Territories are tabulated according to the following
class limits: Zero years of schooling, 1-6 years, 7-8 years,
9-12 years and 13 plus years. If we insert a ceteris paribus
clause, then we can assume that persons with zero years of
schooling will be illiterate. Thus, the category of zero
years of schooling we will call, for the purposes of our
reconstruction of the official data, the minimum rate of
illiteracy. However, we cannot assume that this "minimum rate
of illiteracy" will correspond to the actual real rate of
illiteracy, since it fails to take into account persons who
became literate through attending literacy classes or kuttab
(Koranic reading classes), etc. It also fails to take into
account those persons who attended school for some period in
their lives yet never became literate.
f 402
Alex Pollock


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