Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 413)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 413)
Moreover, since literacy and semi-literacy are highly
perishable commodities which, if not accompanied with regular
opportunities to read and write, are very often lost, we can
assume that significant numbers of those who went to school
for only a short period in their lives will remain
illiterate. Thus, we have to find some way of including those
people who attended school for some period in their lives,
but who never reached a level of literacy or who lost’ that
basic literacy which they had achieved. The actual rationale
for doing this must remain largely arbitrary, although it is
now widely recognised by UNESCO that the majority of students
with four or less years of formal schooling are likely to
remain illiterate. (6) In fact, sustained literacy only
begins to be adequately acquired in the post-—elementary
school educational phase. In order to take account of this
aspect of illiteracy reproduction, I will use the class limit
of 1-6 years of schooling as being the ‘upper limit on
illiteracy rates. I use the 1-6 years class limit because
this is the class limit used in the official data, clearly a
class limit of 1-4 years would be much more suitable.
However, in the absence of such a class limit being
available, I will call 0-6 years of schooling the maximum
rate of illiteracy. It is intuitive that, ceteris paribus,
the actual real rate of illiteracy will fall somewhere
between the minimum and maximum rate of illiteracy. The
reconstructed data is presented in Table 94.
vA ; 403
Alex Pollock


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