Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 414)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 414)
Table 94: illiteracy Rates Of The West Bank Adult Population (t4+)x
Males (%) Females (%) Total (%)
Years _
Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimam
1961 %xk 44.5 44,5 85.7 86.7 56. 4 466.4
1970 62.6 27.8 84.0 65.1 7aaF 47.5
1975 SO. 7 20,2 74.5 32.9 62.8 ora
i7e8o 43.0 14.2 65.6 41.8 barber 28.9
1983 2949 is.5 62.7 30.9 Si.7 26.6
x The data for i970-83 were constructed from Table XXVITI/42,
"Fopulation Aged 14 and Over, by Years of Schooling, Age and Sex".
Statistical Abstract of Israel 1994, pp. 796-787,
kk The data for 1961 are abstracted from kK. Mashi and R. Rihan (1980).
We can see from the above table that illiteracy levels have
been declining since 1961, at which time the total adult
illiteracy ratio was 2:3 of the population. Since this period
there has been an initially steep downward sloping curve
which tapers off in the later period. Thus, if we consider
the "maximum illiteracy rate" of the total adult population,
we find a drop in the illiteracy rate of 11.1% between 1970-
75, of 7.5% between 1975-80 and of a further 4.6% between
1980-83. The "minimum illiteracy rate" depicts a similar
decline with a drop of 10.5% between 1970-75, of 8.5% between
1975-80 and of a further 1.9% between 1980-83. Although the
longitudinal decline is substantial, the actual illiteracy
ratio remains high with between 1:4 to 1:2 of the adult
population illiterate at the beginning of the 1980's. The
“maximum illiteracy rate" is comparable to illiteracy rates
in some of the world's "lower middle-income economies" such
as Kenya and Egypt. Moreover, it is even comparable to
“lower-income economies" such as Uganda, Rawanda and
£ 404
Alex Pollock


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