Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 415)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 415)
Madagasscar. (7) The "minimum illiteracy rate", on the other
hand, is comparable to illiteracy rates in the “upper
middle-income economies" such as Brazil and Portugal and
“middle income-economies" like the Philippines and Jordan.
If we look at the gender specific rates of illiteracy we also
find an initially steep downward sloping curve for both men
and women. If we look at the case of men, first, using the
“maximum illiteracy rate", we find that the rate of
jlliteracy dropped by 9.6% between 1970-75, by 7.7% between
1975-80 and by a further 3.1% between 1980-83. Second, using
the "minimum illiteracy rate", we find a fall of 7.6% between
1970-75, a fall of 6.0% between 1975-80 and a further fall of
0.7% between 1980-83. This fall from the 1961 male illiteracy
rate of 44.5% to between 13.5-39.9% in 1983 is quite
significant, particularly if measured in terms of the minimum
The situation of female illiteracy is more marked. If we use,
first, the "maximum illiteracy rate" among women we find
illiteracy fell by 9.7% between 1970-75, by 7.7% between
1975-80 and by a further 3.9% between 1980-83. Second, with
the "minimum illiteracy rate", we finda fall of 12.3%
between 1970-75, a fall of 11.0% between 1975-80 and a
further fall of 2.9% between 1980-83. Thus, the female
illiteracy rate of 86.7% in 1961 fell to between 38.9-51.7%
by 1983. While the actual percentage drop is very
Significant, the ratio of illiterate women in the population
405 | ZF
Alex Pollock


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