Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 417)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 417)
the study precluded spending time on a more sophisticated
literacy survey. Thus, in order to assess the literacy
competence of respondents I have adopted two measures. The
first measure is based on the subjective response of the
respondent as to whether s/he was literate. However, there
are some problems with this method since many persons are
liable to feel embarrassed and ashamed of not being able to
read and write, particularly if the persons administering the
question are from higher social and educational status groups
—- e.g. as is the case with most interviewers employed in
field work. Thus, the subjective response is likely to
underestimate the real rates of illiteracy. In order to
compensate and check the subjective response rate, I have
also used the UNESCO method of treating all those persons who
neither went to school or who left school before completing
the fourth grade as illiterate. (9) In this section we then
consider the difference between the subjective illiteracy
rate and the objective illiteracy rate.
Subjective Illiteracy Rate
The general subjective literacy levels among the peasant
villagers in the Jordan Valley are higher than the national
average, only 52% of the adult population claim to be
literate (see Table 95). The gender specific rates of claimed
illiteracy show that women are more than twice as likely to
be illiterate as men. The subjective illiteracy rates for
both men and women are unacceptably high at 30% and 64%
407 eh,
Alex Pollock


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