Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 420)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 420)
be complacent about in this respect since illiteracy levels
of 30% are still very high.
Objective Jlliteracy Rate
As I mentioned above, the subjective illiteracy rate is
likely to underestimate the real level of illiteracy. Thus,
in order to check the subjective responses of respondents we
can create an "objective" index by categorising those with
zero years of schooling and those who left school before
completing fourth grade as illiterate. Table 96 allows us to
check the subjective responses against a more objective
measure. Here we find, as expected, that the subjective
response rate Significantly underestimates the real
illiteracy level. This is particularly true in the case of
Table 96: Objective Literacy by Gender
Literacy? Male Female Total
Never Attended
School 372 800 1172
lst elementary 8 12 20
2nd elementary 19 33 52
3rd elementary 46 48 93
4th elementary - 112 71 183
Illiterate 556 964 1520
Literate 583 353 936
Not ascertained 175 36 211
Column total 1314 1353 2667
men who have much more to iose by way of social status if
Alex Pollock


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