Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 426)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 426)
peasant and refugee women, whose highpoint of literate
achievement is to recite a passage from the Koran at their
graduation ceremony. Surely the whole idea behind literacy
has to be advanced beyond such limited visions? If this is
all literacy programmes set out to achieve it is hardly any
wonder that the majority of students drop out from them. Most
people attend literacy classes in order to improve their
standard of living, to increase their income, to improve
their employment prospects or to improve their standards of
health. If literacy programmes do not help them to meet these
basic human goals then the programme will fail since people
will soon see the irrelevance of the programme to their
immediate needs.
Quite a considerable amount of research on the problem of
illiteracy in the West Bank has been concerned with the
reasons for high drop out rates among persons attending
literacy classes. (12) While I do not wish to deny that there
are motivational and individual issues associated with drop
out rates, I feel that a much more appropriate method of
problematising the issue is not to focus on the individual
and their "subjective" judgements about reasons for drop out
but rather to make a comparative assessment of different
literacy curricula, teaching styles and pedagogies. If we
categorise in this manner we can test the hypothesis that
drop out rates are related to educational practices rather
than to individual motivational characteristics.
Another issue associated with traditional literacy programmes
Alex Pollock


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