Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 428)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 428)
rather than a pedagogy of the oppressed.
Over the last two decades, two distinct approaches to adult
education and literacy teaching in the Third World have
emerged which go some way to transcending the limitations
inherent in traditional literacy strategies. These are
functional literacy programmes and Freirian literacy
programmes. Both of these have their intellectual roots in
the successes of the Cuban literacy campaign of 1961. (15)
The basic principles behind the approach of functional
literacy is the belief that the literacy curricula should be
practical or vocational in nature and directly linked to the
economic and social self-—interests of the illiterate student.
The World Conference of Ministers of Education on the
Eradication of Illiteracy, held in Tehran in 1965, defined
the goals of functional literacy in the following terms:
Rather than an end in itself, literacy should be
regarded as a way of preparing man [sic} for a
social, civic and economic role which goes beyond
the limits of rudimentary literacy training
consisting merely in the teaching of reading and
writing. The very process of learning to read and
write should be an opportunity for acquiring
information that can immediately be used to improve
living standards; reading and writing should lead
not only to elementary general knowledge but to
training for work, increased productivity, a
greater participation in civic life and a better
understanding of the surrounding world. (16)
It is claimed that functional literacy tends to be more
successful in meeting its basic goals than traditional
literacy programmes because it offers tangible benefits to
f 418
Alex Pollock


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