Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 430)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 430)
consisted of half-acre plots on which the students could put
the new methods of production into practice. The seeds and
fertilizers needed to work this plot were provided free of
charge. Thus, from November to December, the local
agricultural season, the students spent their time working
their own plot of land.
During the second phase of the project, from the following
March until October, the students learned about other crops
and spent a greater proportion of their time developing
mastery of literacy and numeracy. By the end of the programme
the students were expected to have completed six workbooks
before being tested for their certificates. During this
period they were also taught how to use natural manure, how
to harvest other crops and how to use insecticides.
While there were many teething problems associated with
training, teaching competence, distribution of materials and
access to radio programmes, the maize yield of the student-
farmers doubled. However, the evaluation of the literacy
component of the project during this period remained
inconclusive, but the project itself was seen as having
greater development potential than traditional literacy
programmes and this in itself was enough to encourage this
type of project to gain favour in a number of Third World
countries and in the thinking of international agencies and
aid donors.
Although this functional literacy project was developed to
ah _ 420
Alex Pollock


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