Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 431)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 431)
operate in the rural context of a "developing" Third World
country, there is no reason why the basic principles could
not be developed in the context of functional literacy
projects in the rural sectors of the West Bank and Gaza. It
would also be possible to develop similar functional literacy
projects around vocational training in light engineering and
constuction industry skills in order to help promote the
combined goals of illiteracy eradication and the creation of
industrial personpower. Thus, for example, it is potentially
conceivable to develop literacy programmes with agricultural
extension work in the West Bank rural sector. It is also
potentially conceivable to develop functional literacy
projects around such basic engineering skilis as motor
mechanics, plumbing, solar heating, etc. and construction
skilis such as bricklaying, carpentry, electricity, etc.
However, it is wise to introduce a note of caution here since
there are potentially regressive aspects to such projects.
Projects of this sort could end up being wholly focused on
men, who are relatively speaking generally more literate than
the female population. In terms of numeric weighting the
problem of illiteracy is much more a women's issue than a
men's issue. Further, even if we wish to, it may be much more
difficult to develop functional literacy projects for women
because of cultural factors which limit the role of women in
agricultural production and the industrial labour market.
Although the rationale behind these cultural factors has been
lessened to some extent as women have been increasingly
integrated into the informal sectors of the economy ,
Alex Pollock


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