Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 433)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 433)
countries. (19)
It is clearly possible that functional literacy projects may
be deflected from the goal of universal literacy and
activated at a policy level to serve the limited economic
interests of groups within the economic system. In such a
context literacy programmes” are likely to be based on
selectivity rather than on universality. This is contrary to
egalitarian themes on literacy which treat literacy as a
basic human right and a universal human need, which even the
traditional approaches to literacy treat as axiomatic.
It is also possible to argue that functional literacy tends
to neglect the cultural component of education and develops a
concept of literacy education based on the inculcation of
narrow mechanical and technical skills which in their turn
are viewed aS a prerequisite to economic growth and
deve lopment. While this criticism should be seriously
addressed, we should be careful that such criticisms do not
lead to a radical rejection of functional literacy on the
simplified grounds of ultra-socialist or ultra-culturalist
reasoning. It is quite possible for functional literacy
programmes based on selectivity to serve the interests of
capitalists and industrialists in the Third World, but there
is nothing inherently capitalist-centred about the
development of industrial vocational skills, since they are
just as central and necessary to socialist-—centred
development as to capitalist development. The determinant
factors in the form functional literacy programmes take, are
423 | ve,
Alex Pollock


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