Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 435)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 435)
writing skills in the development of the educational
practice, but the form and content of the curricula and
pedagogic methods employed is based on dialogue and
communication between teacher-learners and learner-teachers.
These methods attempt to give articulation and meaning to the
culture of the oppressed rather than imposing "culture" as an
alien implant. The manner of producing primers and texts to
express the culture of the oppressed is achieved through
educators selecting generative words which have the greatest
resonance and meaning for the groups involved in the literacy
process. These generative words allow the learners critically
to decode the world in which they live and decode _ the
relationships in which they are involved in their daily
The Freirian project normally consists of several phases. In
the first phase, research is undertaken in the region where
the programme is going to be established in order to discover
the words, sayings and phrases which give clearest expression
to the existential meaning and emotional life of the region.
These words, phrases and sayings should reveal to the
researchers the range of experiences and emotions of the
group being studied. During. the second phase educationalists
and researchers select generative words from the regional
vocabulary studied according to the following criteria:
(a) phonemic richness
(b) phonetic difficulty (the words should reflect’ the
phonetic difficulties of the language and be ordered
sequentially from words of lesser to words of greater
Alex Pollock


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