Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 436)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 436)
phonetic difficulty)
(c) pragmatic tone, which relates words in an engagement
with social, cultural and political contexts.
In phase three, "“codifications" are created which represent
typical existential situations of the learning group. These
codifications are meant to reflect encodements of problem-
Situations which occur in the daily life of the group, and
these are then decoded by the study group. Discussions of
these codifications should lead the group to develop a
critical awareness of their own existential situation while
Simultaneously learning to read and write. The codifications
incorporate generative words graded according to phonetic
agifficulty. In phase four, curriculum agendas are set to aid
coordinators in the literacy process. In phase five,
discussion cards are prepared which break down generative
words into phonetic families. In the final phase the materia]
is prepared in visual form (using slides, flip~-charts,
posters, etc.) and the team coordinators and supervisors are
instructed in the methods of the programme. (22)
The essence of the Freirian programme is based upon the
combined principles of rigorous literacy methodology produced
in amanner which leads to a critical awareness of the world
in which men and women live and work. A core component of
this project is to incorporate the humanitarian concern to
show that the world of work involves a cultural
transformation of nature. It is through this cultural
transformation of nature that men and women enter into social
Alex Pollock


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