Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 438)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 438)
social consciousness and political mobilisation where they
might actively attempt to make sustained challenges to the
whole system of exploitation, unequal exchange and oppression
which characterises their existential situation. To set out
to establish Freirian literacy programmes would be to set out
indirectly to challenge powerful vested interests.
In this chapter JI attempted to show in descriptive
statistical terms that illiteracy is still an endemic
structural problem in the West Bank, where between
approximately 27-52% of the adult population remain
illiterate. I also described the illiteracy problem in the
north Jordan Valley where illiteracy is even more entrenched.
In this region 57% of the adult population are illiterate. I
also, very briefly, described two contemporary approaches to
illiteracy eradication which have gained favour among
educationalists and Third World governments in recent years.
The first, functional literacy, places emphasis on a
practical and vocational element in the construction of the
curricula of literacy programmes, which help to _ promote
economic growth and development through providing training in
basic skills which are considered necessary to agricultural
and industrial development. The second, Freirian literacy
programmes, prioritise the process of "conscientization" or
raising the consciousness of the poor in such a way that they
understand the causes and determinants of their
underprivileged position in society.
Alex Pollock


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