Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 439)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 439)
These two strategies are often viewed as mutually exciusive
and serving different ends. While there is some truth in
this, since if either the vocational element in functional
literacy is overemphasised or the culturalist element in
Freire's approach is overemphasised then we are left with
dichotomous entities: one based on productivist priorities
and the other based on cultural-politicist ones. In terms of
their potential contribution to nationalist development
strategies, I feel however that, they should not be viewed as
mutually exclusive, although there is always the danger that
they may become so in practice, since any nationalist
development strategy has to include aspects of vocational
training which can help to promote "self-reliant" economic
development as part of a strategy attempting to break with
dependency and underdevelopment, and at the same time,
consolidate its nationalist hegemony through sustaining the
consciousness of the people along nationalist lines. A
literacy strategy which combines the basic principles of
functional and Freirian literacy could be a potent instrument
in the promotion of both economic development and Palestinian
national consciousness.
If Palestinian socialists are to combat’ the external
interventions being made into the economic sphere of the
Occupied Territories in order to dissipate Palestinian
nationalist hegemony and to foster the interests of Jordan,
America and Israel, then it has to learn to prioritise
development issues in its own political practice. A radical
approach to literacy offers one of the components in 4a
429 f,
Alex Pollock


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