Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 441)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 441)
1. See, Khalil Nakhleh, "Palestinian Intellectuals and
Revolutionary Transformation", in Khalil Nakhleh and Elia
Zureik, Eds., The Sociology Of The Palestinians, (London:
1980), pp. 186-195.
2. Jamil Tahrir estimates that the ratio of Palestinian
university students has increased from 11.4 students per 1000
population in 1966 to 15.7/1000 in 1978 and to 18.8/1000 in
1981/82. This contrasts remarkably well with the 8/1000 in
England and 9/1000 in France. See, “Jamil Tahrir, "An
Assessment of Palestinian Human Resources: Higher Education
and Manpower", in Journal of Palestinian Studies. Vol XIV, No
3, 1985.
3. For details about this data, see, Khalil Mashi and Ramzi
Rihan, "Education: Elementary and Secondary", in Emile
Nakhleh, Ed., A Palestinian Agenda For The West Bank And
Gaza, (Washington: 1980) , pp. 52-53.
4. A number of small scale studies have been undertaken
since this period which give some idea of the extent of the
problem of illiteracy. In 1971 a study of illiteracy in five
Villages in the Tulkarm District was undertaken which showed
illiteracy rates of between 25-40% for men and 45-61% for
women. Another study of one village in the Hebron District,
the town of Ramallah and four villages and a refugee camp in
the Ramallah district, undertaken by Birgeit Literacy and
Adult Education Office (BLAEO) during 1976-77, showed
illiteracy rates of 15-37% for men and 26-58% among women.
For details on these studies see, K. Mashi and R Rihan, ibid.
431 | an
Alex Pollock


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